Some useful keybindings and many more for my favorite editor.


Some interesting blog posts:

Copilot (docker)

If you wanna try copilot:

docker run --name copilotcontainer -it debian:sid-slim

apt update && apt upgrade -y

apt install -y neovim nodejs git

git clone ~/.config/nvim/pack/github/start/copilot.vim


# Now in vim type:
# :Copilot setup
# And then hit enter
# The plugin will display a token.
# Open a browser and paste the code on
# After a few moments, the plugin will finish the setup
# Now exit vim
# Exit the container

docker commit copilotcontainer copilot

docker rm copilotcontainer

## All done

# From now on, you can use the copilot container with:
# docker run --rm -it copilot

Source: gibney


:redir! > vim_keys.txt
:silent verbose map
:redir END

Generate random secure string

:r! openssl rand -base64 12

Format json

Reformat json with :%!jq .


If you record a macro with qa and forget something, just with qA you could append some keystrokes to your macro.

Source: A vim guide for advanced user


To put a register in insert mode, just do CTRL+R <register>

Source: A vim guide for advanced user

Global command

To delete lines with a pattern:

" delete line

" make line lowercase
:g/useless/norm gu$

Source: A vim guide for advanced user


In insert mode:

ctrl+x ctrl+f     complete filenames
ctrl+x ctrl+l     complete lines
ctrl+r <register> insert text from register (i.e.: . for last text [ctrl+a])

Visual mode

Selects the previous visual


Go to other end of visual block


Increment numbers

CTRL-A    inc by one
g CTRL-A  inc by sequence
2g CTRL-A inc two by sequence

Blockwise motion

d2j         delete 2 lines
d<CRL-V>2j  delete 2 chars in that column

Ex commands

Run command for regex


Run comman in norm mode

:g/regex/norm f dw

Source: hillelwayne/intermediate-vim

Commands in insert mode

Ctrl-h - delete back one character (just like Backspace)
Ctrl-w - delete back one word
Ctrl-u - delete back to the start of line or the start of current insert

Talking about Insert mode - did you know that you can paste yanked text without moving to Normal mode? You can do that with

Ctrl-r 0

Source: [Jovica - Mastering Vim Quickly #127]

Vim and shell

Run command from vim


Read output form command

:r !{cmd}

insert output on line 3:

:3read !curl --silent

write as input to command

:[range]write !{cmd}
:'<,'>write !python

Source: vim and the shell


Splits are very useful i.e. in vimdiff. So here some keybindings.
Help: :help splits & :help CRTL-W

More natural splits opening

Open new split panes to right and bottom, which feels more natural than Vim’s default:

set splitbelow
set splitright

Resizing splits

Vim’s defaults are useful for changing split shapes:

"Max out the height of the current split
ctrl + w _

"Max out the width of the current split
ctrl + w |

"Normalize all split sizes, which is very handy when resizing terminal
ctrl + w =

More split manipulation

"Swap top/bottom or left/right split
Ctrl+W R

"Break out current window into a new tabview
Ctrl+W T

"Close every window in the current tabview but the current one
Ctrl+W o
Last change: 2024-10-30, commit: 9518bf4