Some interesting dotfiles:
- https://github.com/webgefrickel/dotfiles #mutt
- https://github.com:frank604/scripts.git
- https://github.com/Northcode/dotfiles.git
- https://github.com:rcr/dotfiles.git
- https://github.com/ReekyMarko/dotfiles
- ishchow - lua
Cool stuff
- ASCII paint asciiflow
- Privacy sexy privacy.sexy
- Youtube (ad-free) piped
- AirDrop snapdrop
- Slide/Prasentation sli.dev
- Multi device for geeks flipper zero
- regex prime check
explain - paste over cli
curl -T example.yml -H "Content-Type: text/yaml" https://api.pastes.dev/post
- photopea - Photoshop online (free)
- series & films: serializd / letterboxd
- books: oku / goodreads
- Nix quickstart zero-to-nix
- Tidy up your home with nix
- Github actions with nix
Show ip addresses of running containers:
docker ps -q | xargs -n 1 docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.Networks.frontend.IPAddress }} {{ .Name }}' | sed 's/ \// /'
Raspberry Pi
Show the model in shell cat /sys/firmware/devicetree/base/model
Some security guidelines for kubernetes (OWASP)
For sharing a local dev server for public, great service from localhost.run:
ssh -R 80:localhost:3000 localhost.run
YAML get full path
cat myfile.yml | yq e '.. | select(. == "*") | {(path | join(".")): .} '
Replace passwords in gz
gzip -cd rails.log.gz | sed -re 's/(\"password\"=>)(\"(.*)\",)/\1\"[FILTERed]",/g' | sed -re 's/(\"password_confirmation\"=>)(\"(.*)\")/\1\"[FILTERed]"/g' | gzip > rails.tmp
Link text on a website
Use this syntax to link to specific text:
i.e. this
# highlight
# multiple texts
# fragments
Source: alfy.blog
Ed cheatsheet
Line number: go to that line and print it.
pn - Print current line and line number.
3kxe - mark line 3 as "xe".
'xep - print the line marked as xe.
a - start editing after the current line.
i - start editing before the current line.
c - replace the current line.
end the editing with only a period on a line (.).
1d - delete line 1.
1,2j - join line one and two.
1,$p - print entire buffer.
,p - also prints the entire buffer.
2,3p - print lines 2 and 3.
.,4p - print from the current line (.) to line 4.
-1,+1p - print 1 line above and 1 line below the current line.
Buffer operations
2t4 - Copy line 2 to after line 4.
2t$ - Copy line 2 to the end of the file.
3m6 - Move line 3 to after line 6.
2,4m$ - Move lines 2 to 4 to the end of the file.
Searching / replace
/like - Move to the next line after the current one matching regular expression /like.
?Like - Search backwards.
1s/re/jo - Substitute only the first occurence of re with jo on line 1.
1s/re/jo/g - Substitute all occurences of re with jo on line 1.
1,$s/re/jo/g - Substitute all occurences of re with jo in the whole buffer.
Regular expresions
g/re/p - print all the lines matching regular expression /re/.
v/re/p - print all the lines NOT matching regular expression /re/.
g/re/m$ - move all the lines matching regular expression /re/ to the end of the file.
Reading and writing
w file.txt - Save the current buffer as filename file.txt.
w - Save the current buffer if the file is already saved.
w1,4 - Save lines 1 to 4 to the current buffer.
W - append to a file (not replace).
r /etc/hosts - Insert the contents of /etc/hosts after the current line.
r !ps -e - Insert the output of the command "ps -e" after the current line.
e file.txt - Open the file file.txt and replace the current buffer.
Generate qrcode in terminal
qrencode -m 2 -t utf8 < file.conf
MacOS Brew install older version
- You create a local “tap” - which I assume is something like a local brew repository
- You extract the desired version of the package into this local tap
- You install your local tap
# use $USER variable to mimick userName/repoName structure
# this does not actually create any git repositories
# 1. create a new tap
brew tap-new $USER/local-<packageName>
# 2. extract into local tap
brew extract --version=1.2.3 <packageName> $USER/local-<packageName>
# 3. run brew install@version as usual
brew install <packageName>@1.2.3
If not found:
# list all local taps
brew tap
# go to tap and check out correct hash
cd /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/<packageName>
git checkout <hash>
# prevent brew from checking out different hash
HOMEBREW_NO_AUTO_UPDATE=1 brew install <packageName>
# can list and switch between all versions
brew list --versions
brew switch <packageName> <version>
Add always rel="noopener noreferrer"
to target="_blank"
links, because of:
Shutdown without confirmation from terminal:
osascript -e 'tell app "System Events" to shut down'
Source: Stackexchange
Setup wireguard with good explanations: What They Don’t Tell You About Setting Up A WireGuard VPN
# Generate keys in /etc/wireguard
cd /etc/wireguard
wg genkey | tee privatekey | wg pubkey > publickey
# /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf on the server
Address =
ListenPort = 51820
# Use your own private key, from /etc/wireguard/privatekey
PrivateKey = WCzcoJZaxurBVM/wO1ogMZgg5O5W12ON94p38ci+zG4=
# VPN client's public key
PublicKey = lIINA9aXWqLzbkApDsg3cpQ3m4LnPS0OXogSasNW5RY=
# VPN client's IP address in the VPN
AllowedIPs =
Relaying traffic
# /etc/sysctl.conf
# Then apply the settings by running:
sysctl -p
Client config:
# /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf on the client
# The address your computer will use on the VPN
Address = Load your privatekey from file
PostUp = wg set %i private-key /etc/wireguard/privatekey
# Also ping the vpn server to ensure the tunnel is initialized
PostUp = ping -c1[Peer]
# VPN server's wireguard public key (USE YOURS!)
PublicKey = CcZHeaO08z55/x3FXdsSGmOQvZG32SvHlrwHnsWlGTs=# Public IP address of your VPN server (USE YOURS!)
# Use the floating IP address if you created one for your VPN server
Endpoint = is the VPN subnet
AllowedIPs = To also accept and send traffic to a VPC subnet at
# AllowedIPs =, To accept traffic from and send traffic to any IP address through the VPN
# AllowedIPs = To keep a connection open from the server to this client
# (Use if you're behind a NAT, e.g. on a home network, and
# want peers to be able to connect to you.)
# PersistentKeepalive = 25
NGINX config
Some nginx features for developers.
Redirect a domain to localhost dev server:
user nginx;
worker_processes auto;
events {}
http {
access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log combined;
# include /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf;
upstream backend {
server backend.local:10000;
server {
server_name proxy.local;
listen 8000;
location / {
proxy_pass http://backend;
Source: Nice nginx features for developers
Compressed response
Using with curl -H 'Accept-encoding: gzip' localhost:8080/ping | gunzip -
or curl --compressed https://ashishb.net
Allow Accept-encoding: gzip
with config:
http {
server {
gzip on;
gzip_min_length 1000;
Source: ashishb.net
FLoC blocking
Block FLoC within traefik:
# traefik.toml
Permissions-Policy = "interest-cohort=()"
Source: Paramdeo Singh - Opting your Website out of Google’s FLoC Network
Create QR-Code for your wifi
Source qrencode -o wifi.png "WIFI:T:WPA;S:<SSID>;P:<PASSWORD>;;"
Security book
A most recommended it security book: Book
Linux hardening book
How to harden alinux system guide: Book
Custom sortation of database entries
Found an good article about, how handle the custom sortation of entires in sql database. TL;DR just add an column pos
to the table and auto-increment this value. If insert an entry between of some rows, just calculate the new position for this entry like: ((pos n-1 + pos n+1) / 2
| names | pos | | peter | 1 | | tom | 2 | | harry | 2.5 | | ben | 3 |
begriffs.com - User defined order
OWASP 10 most critical security issues for web applications
Some notes of: OWASP Top 10 - heise from Tobias Glemser Authentication: OWASP Authentication Cheat sheet
- Einführung in relevante Organisationen
- Beispiele in der öffentlichen Wahrnehmung
- Die zehn häufigsten Sicherheitsrisiken bei Webanwendungen – OWASP Top 10 (u. a. SQLInjection, Cross-Site-Scripting, CSRF, Denial-of-Service)
- Interaktive Demonstrationen zu allen Risiken
- Aufzeigen der Auswirkungen
- Passende Beispiele mit realem Bezug
- Vorstellung von Prüfwerkzeugen und Methoden bei der Prüfung in Form von Penetrationstests
- XSS bei eBay -> Haftung? Gesetzt sagt: Stand der Technik einhalten!
- OWASP SAMM/Cheat Sheet anschauen
- Pentest sicher/unsicher? Keine eindeutige Aussage, da Momentaufnahme!
- Security Beauftragter muss Fragen stellen um die Kommunikation anzuregen
- Entwickler tragen keine Verantwortung, wenn Sicherheitsaspekte nicht berücksichtigt werden
- Masche aus Maßnahmen zur Bekämpfung von Risiken schmählern die Gefahr
- Verarbeitung von Kreditkartendaten gesetzl. jährl. Pentest
- OWASP Ressourcen: Web security testing guide, OWASP-BWA - Test machine, ZAP, Juice-Shop
- Angriffe:
- Injection
- SQL, LDAP, OS-commands -> backend
- XSS -> frontend
- sqlmap /
Mc O'Caml
- Broken Authentication
- sessionId in GET
- nur sessionId als Authorisierung
- login brute-force verhindern
- Sesitive data sxposure
- backup files im www dir
- keine durchgängige Verschlüsslung
- XML External Entities (XXE)
- Broken access control
- Zugriff auf Dateien
- per ID auf Daten dritter zugreifen
- Zugriff auf Dateien
- Security misconfiguration
- Härtung der Infrastruktur
- update von 3rd party libs
- default accounts beachten
- XSS Cross-site-scriting
- js injection auf website
- Insecure deserialization
- parser libs updaten!
- Insufficient logging & monitoring
- fehlerhafte login Versuche
- Transaktionen protokollieren
- Injection
Eingabe im frontend & backend! validieren vor API Aufruf!
- Geheime Botschaften by Simon Singh (Buch)
- Mr. Robot (Serie)
- Hackers (Film)
- Iron Sky (Film)
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